Archive for 11/1/10

Overboard by Elizabeth Fama

As the title explains: overboard.

It is a survivors story. You should know that by now. If you go to the Countdown for Books Page and click the title, you'll get the info and front cover of the book. if you click the author, you can email the author, and if you click the website, it's her official website, I guess.

The book, is good. Not bad, not amazing, good. I mean, I liked it, a lot. But it's not a favorite. But it is a page turner, lemme tell you. 

Oh, and by the way, the countdown for books goal is over. I mean, though it's still November, I've still reached the goal of 55 books. Actually more. Goal successful.

Anyhow, back to Overboard

The beginning was boring. I thought I wouldn't like it. But of course, being me, I kept on reading it. Good thing I did. Good book. Recommended.
You could, kind of, sort of, slightly, a little bit, know about Baja Indonesia (sorry if I spelled it wrong) and Banda Aceh. 

It would be cool to have parents who travel all over the world to treat people's sicknesses. I think they worked for some health-helping-the-world-program or something. 

How in the story, they survive to get to any island, any island possible, just to survive. It was so inspiring, should I say (don't worry, I don't mean that I want to jump into the ocean and try to survive) to survive, that will to stay alive, with her and Isman.
But you see, all characters in those kinds of books (surviving, adventure, etc,) are brave. An unusual spunk. I mean, imagine yourself in that situation, how you're in the ocean, sinking, floating back up, the choice of suffering to live, or to die. I would be scared to death. First of all, there would be no covers to hide under. Then, I'd realize there might be sharks. So, I'd scream, and pray. Then, I'd be tired.
I don't know how I would survive. But I wouldn't die deliberately like that woman who killed herself. I'd be so scared, but I wouldn't want to die. Who wants to die? For rest, for peace? But when you're dead, you can't feel that, can you? You're dead, and that's it. I'd want to spend a little more time on Earth before going to Heaven, wouldn't you think?

It all depends on if you want to live, if you want to survive or not. There's this one story, how there was a huge mall that collapsed, right over the shoppers. For like seven days, I don't know how long, but after a while, a few days, they searched the place for survivors. Yeah, I think it was like two weeks, or one week, I don't know. But it was more than 5 days, I know that. Anyhow, they searched, and most people had given up in surviving, and died. But these two kids, boy and girl, high school, I think? Kept believing that someone would come and save them, that someone would help them, that they wouldn't die, and they had that will to live, when others gave up and decided, oh well, I'll die, what's the point? And just left themselves there, just died willingly.  

It's so inspiring. So much people are caught in an accident, but they are alive, so they're survivors, but even though they had that gift, that chance to live life again, they die, because they don't have the hope, the will to live.

The book is like that. That will of Isman and Emily to live, is alive, you can feel it, as you read. When they go into the whirlpool, you can feel how they're so desperate to live, to survive.

I hope you read this book, and I hope you enjoy it. 

Written by Elizabeth Fama, published by Dell-Laura Leaf, Random House Children's Books in New York. Copyrighted in 2002.
(I learned in school you have to include the publication information before citing it. I'm just doing this, just in case. :) )

Late November MBP

Exotic Bamboo feel. xD say what you like.....!!!! :)

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

This is an awesome book, the most amazing book, the best book, so good, you HAVE TO READ IT.
a MUST. absolute MUST. read the book first.
But it's at such a high "goodness-level" that a lot of people might not like it. It has "a meaning behind the lines" that if you don't understand it, well, it's going to sound pretty boring.
I'm not even going to write about the story, the usual summary because, well if I included that, I might as well write a novel.

The characters are so carefully structured, each part of their character having a specific significance and impact on the plot of the story.
I have read so many books that take place in the future, and this one is very... interesting. There's not much detail in the parts that aren't much big-important to the plot. See, they called him a third, and made a big deal about it, how they allowed him to be born, to be a third. Does that mean there was a population law? Only allowed to have 2 children? Or is it just some joke, an insult? Another thing was that the author didn't explain much about how they made the children. Did they play with the genetics, made them geniuses?  The author didn't explain much about how they "made" the children, because they did say that they specifically made them genius, or either that, or they are naturally born geniuses. But what are the chances,  Did they play with the gene3 children in a row, geniuses?
Peter was too brutal, too mean, too self centered.
Valentine was too kind, too softhearted.
Ender was just right, how they did the "in-between" of Peter and Valentine, kind, caring, but forceful and strong at times of struggle.
Just the best commander for an army going against millions and billions of buggers. Scary. I can't imagine them. I mean, I can, but I don't want to, because... it's too creepy a thought. Disgusting... bugs? In human size? With their beady eyes.... EGHHHHHH
no. you know what? Never mind. Let's get off the subject of buggers.

The whole idea of the story is amazing. I mean this is a book that you can't write a blog post on, otherwise I'd be writing up a novel for a year... xD
SOOOO it's about saving the world, and the relationship between three very ingenious but yet different siblings. You could tell they still love each other (especially Ender and Valentine), but even between Peter and Ender, and Peter and Valentine. Peter may be violent, he may be mean, but he is still a loving person.
I think. That's how I interpreted him. But then again, I always give the characters a second chance when I'm reading about their major blunder, or their messed up personality.

The way Card writes it, you'd think that Ender was about 17 or 20 years old, and that all the other kids are about that age. Imagine that, what? divided by 3, divided by 2. He's SIX. then SEVEN. then EIGHT. There was never a scene where he was younger than... let's say, ten?
When he commands, he suddenly turns into a different person. First, he's all observant, kind. Then, commander, BOOM. He's strict, to the point, and critiques them, and says it meanly, in a way, without thinking twice. "What's wrong with you? Is Bean the only one who knows it?" and the way he makes jokes during the sessions, you'd think even more that he'd be 17 or 20 years old.
But there you go, that's a mind of a genius six year old.

The best part of the story was Battle School and the game machine thing in the Commander School. The battles in Battle School was amazing, awesome, fun to imagine in your head. The battles are so cool. Floating around and shooting each other!!!!!! (they don't die, just so you know. :) ) Especially when he's commander, how he wins, no matter what. as someone said in Ender's last battle, "Nothing's fair when you're versing Ender!" or something along those lines. Ender's endless victory is amazing.

and the ending, how Ender realizes his fate, how the bugger's peacefulness was genuine, how the buggers didn't want war... you know what? Read it for yourself. I don't want to ruin the ending. :)

No kidding, you should seriously read it. I mean, there's a lot of hard words there, but it's all worth looking up. Trust me, it is the most amazingest book in the WORLD.

So far. :)

But I'm NOT KIDDING, you should read it, especially in 7th grade. xD HAVE FUN.