Archive for 6/1/11

SSB- The Witch of Blackbird Pond

A very surprising thought, indeed, that a historical fiction book which won the newberry award with a normal boring cover written in the old sort of style about a historical time period would be, actually, fun. Now, besides the last four words of the prior sentence, it seems like an extremely boring, dreadful book that drones on about "tis this" and "tis that" and "twas this" and "twas that", but it actually was sort of suspenseful and fun. I found myself reading beyond chapter two, and I thought I was on chapter three, but it turned out I was on chapter four. So, so far, it isn't a bad or dissapointing book. Better than I thought, actually, because I thought it'd be best to force myself to read such boring book (I thought this before reading this, you must presume and also understand),  so that I wouldn't just leave it there on the shelf until it was due two weeks later at the library.
So, what book I'm talking about is called (of course you might have caught on)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by (searches on Google because too lazy to find the book herself) Elizabeth George Speare.
It's purely historical fiction; I wouldn't be surprised if there was a girl named Kit who was suspected of being a witch; (anyhow, that's beside the point, so) it's about those times in the US history when everyone was quite religious, and Puritan was The Way, if you know what I mean, and people got very tense about witches and wizards and killed you if you were a witch or a wizard.
Now, how they proved that was very inevitable. In the way that,
if you were suspected, first, you'd be put to the test if you were a witch or not.
That is, to drown you in the water.
And, if you floated, swam, or didn't drown, you were a witch (or a wizard).
If you drowned, well, too bad, an innocent fellow at the bottom of the pond.

Sad, isn't it?
So this girl, Kit, lived in England, and she learned to swim there, of course, she lived on an island. Barbados, or something of the likely. Anyhow, she moves unexpectedly to her Aunt Rachel's house (without telling her first, just sort of barging in saying 'and by the way, I'm going to live here from now on) and on the way swims (in an adventure you'd have to read to find out), which causes mass suspicion (one person, mainly, actually).
That's as far as I got.
The End.

Summer Reading!: Summer Study Books

So, summer is soon to come, and assuming it already has, I shall begin my plans for this year's summer.
I shall, (insert cheer here) visit Korea for a while this year, which may be of slight interference, but no matter. I shall have internet connection and a computer whilst my visit, so it may not be much of a cease in progress.

I shall try to read most of my summer reading books (if read-able, as in fun, enjoyable, or lesson-learning), and this is what I shall do:
Write three reasonable questions per chapter (that I have thinked of, not thought) of wonderings, references, etc. Please refer back to the Reading/Writing Workshop Worksheet (I must find that somewhere). One reasonable question that would be on a prospective test about the book (open ended, multiple choice, no matter). Summarize that chapter. Give a prediction.

That will be a slow process, so I shall do this on "Summer Study Books". (SSB, Study Books, etc.)
I shall try to do this every summer, or just whenever I have time or feel like it (besides all of summer).

This may become an arduous task as summer sets in and laziness comes around, so I shall try to shoo away this being of perezoso, and try to become more trabajador.

That's it.
So, thanks for faithfully reading.


2011 Untitled Fail

Hence the title: 2011 UNTITLED FAIL.

I hate to break the news, but, this year's goal has become more of an epic fail than ever. Oh no, I feel so bad, I have failed myself!

Therefore, I shall try not to wimp out but say that poems count as short stories.
And my long story isn't working--the Survivors--I've become too bored of it. So if anyone'd like to spark up my imagiation, please be welcome, just email me at
But I have plenty other new and fresh stories to start out with and I have a full six months to write twelve stories and one big story, so I (think) I have enough time to fulfill my goal.

Notice I am trying not to wimp out on the whole 12+1 story.

AHA! 12+1= STOR13S!
That is a great title for this.
No longer is it 2011 Untitled! (And I thought that was a catchy sort of title.)
Please keep up to date on my website, too (check side for link).