Archive for 2024


There was one morning I stepped into my shoe without proper care and folded the fabric inside the heel tab. I didn't have the five seconds to sit down and use both hands. It was a new pair of shoes, too. But it folded, and I felt it fold, and every time I wear these shoes now I feel the lump against my Achilles' heel reminding me of those few seconds I slipped into indifference and made an irrevocable change. It's damaged inside. I feel it as I walk. Just the right foot. Sometimes it feels as if I'm limping because of it, like the mistake is moving into my tendons, little shoelaces tightening into my veins. And the more I get used to it, the more this strange expectation grows: somewhere in my subconscious, I assume that my shoe will heal, that it is a part of my organism. That in the natural course of the world, the shoe will one day grow itself a new heel tab. I'll wake up one morning and I won't feel that fold anymore, the one hidden under the leather, the discomfort that is invisible to the world. But then I remember— it won't. Shoes are not skin. They don't heal.

childhood crumbles in steps

I was fourteen years old when I forgetfully took the bus home from school. I had made a promise to my mother that morning – that she'd pick me up right after my last class for a doctor's appointment, something that would later turn more frequent and more expensive. But I'd forgotten, and class had ended. The bell rang; I packed my bag hastily and ran to the bus, already teeming with kids; I clambered over knees and cross-aisle punches, clutching my backpack close to my chest as I made my way to the seat, excited to see my friends. The heat of late spring and teenage sweat hung over the air and I cut through it towards Adithya, Tara and Annie, who were already there, midway through a fervent discussion about a recent game release. They nodded to me. Annie moved over to make room. A light breeze entered through one of the few opened windows. Adithya blurted an outrageous 'would you rather' question that would occupy the rest of the bus ride home. I was happy. I loved Tuesdays, the one day a week I could take the early bus home– no after school clubs, just two o'clock's delightful circus, the moving theater of chaos and pure, unadulterated joy.

But this is fake. I do not recall any of this. My memory of this event, actually, is strangely omniscient. In fact, very little of the bus ride – the bit that I was actually there for – remains with me; instead, I recall a mythical episode, a story not mine. I have no certainty of what she looked like, what she said, what expression she wore on her face. But when someone says, "hey, remember that day your mom ran into the school?" – my mind plays a video, however impossible, that is crystal clear. I do. Yes, in fact I do remember when she ran into the school. The curtains of my mind unfold: she is La Pieta without child. She is bursting through the door, sobbing, while I was mid-argument on the school bus. Yes, I do remember. I see it: her face is red, her hair disheveled, and she grabs the first student she sees. In her dizzying paranoia, the world is falling, her child is dying, suffering in her absence. She cries out, barely distinguishable, "where is my daughter," grabbing shoulder after shoulder, a desperate wrest for information, shrinking with each croaking cry, until eventually a friend– someone I'm not even that close to, who later tells me what happened with a strange expression on her face – admits yes, watchfully, she took the bus though, didn't she?– but the answer is not convincing coming from another child, my mother has already known the answer the moment she entered the building– her daughter is dead. Me, on the bus, laughing at a provocative question, two stops away from our townhome complex, where our parking spot is empty– it is only a matter of time until she finds me at the back of a bathroom, disintegrating, she must see her daughter before the warmth runs out, must hold her body, draped over her mourning arms. She runs, and she runs. She trips, and her joints have become fragile, and she crumbles onto a school aide, who wrestles with her own prejudiced frustration to help a strange lady in need, extracts the necessary information – name, year – makes a few radio messages and a few static-decorated exchanges later, my mother is consoled, reconstructed with the information that I have been dropped off, was accounted for, and in fact I am unlocking our townhome door as this information is being transferred– the door clicks open, I take a step, I call cheerily into an empty home, "I'm home!" and a cold silence befalls me. The lights are all out. Through an open window I hear the elementary school kids squealing in the playground behind our unit. 

"Mom?" I call. My mother, miles away in the school parking lot, sobs alone in the driver's seat – of today, and more. 

The door remains ajar as I stand confused at the absence that rejects my excitement, until an eclipsing reality stiffens into my shoulders – and in my shock of realization I drop my bag at this precipice, frozen in the doorway only just beginning.

i heard my neighbor sneeze

i remember the last time i went to a zoo i saw
a chimpanzee at the back corner of the enclosure and i stood in
the stale air under dim lighting listening to children laughing, 
pointing, the spotlight illuminating his face
with an expression i could feel. maybe i was projecting.
i wondered how much he understood 
of his container-dom, if he knew what lay between us 
this cruel barrier encasing knowledge from something more, hiding
in darkness. pointing fingers. eyes watching.
he scratched his armpit and the children around me giggled
but of course he wouldn't know, we were so close but
he was in a different world.
the lights are out. in my apartment
thin drywall and dim comfort feign my solitude until
i hear my neighbor sneeze through the wall.
the clarity of his voice crawls up my 
back as it dawns on me that i was a creature
in glass all this time, enclosed into a private
exhibit of which my neighbor was my audience
and I his, to his sneeze and his other expressions,
just as he heard all of my cries made in my glass solitude.
i am terrified.
nowhere am i safe, even at home i am
in a zoo, the laughing audience just outside of my
cognition no different from that
chimpanzee. he must be tired. i am tired.
i feel deeply isolated yet relentlessly observed
and i wish to break the wall or fill it up entirely– 
or maybe what i need is to hide, just once,
under something impenetrable enough to blanket me 
warm and hidden in the shade of a night's sleep
purely my own.


You are sitting in a patch of grass extending into the sea of asphalt. The sound of childhood and after-school tag rings far away in the background. Your fingers are planted into the dirt, tufts of green between your fingers: soft, like the fur of an animal. The entire lawn sways together, a single instrument wavering indecisively with the sweet wind that combs through your hair. Gleeful screeches echo in the distance, as if recalling a past that you remember as faintly as the little voices sound to you now.

A curious ant crawls up your index finger:

Hi, ____ – it's me. I didn't see you in class yesterday. Or last week. 

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"Autobiography is a defacement of the mind of which it is itself the cause." 
– Paul de Man, Autobiography as Defacement

I am editing a twenty-minute clip of my late lunch at a park in Sydney, one of many videos I took while traveling alone in Australia. It is two weeks after the events in the video. I have not eaten dinner. It is one in the morning. Tomorrow is Monday. None of these facts occur to me. There is a longing that drives me through this physical limbo into a deep investigation of many hours of footage. Clip after clip after clip. Watching, rewatching. Starving.

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-- please forget me when i leave --

the lights of this hotel room are dim. i feel surveilled under the strange fixtures on the ceiling, which likely serve a functional and necessary purpose, but to me, look like eyes. i am being watched. i am watching youtube, it is my last day in australia, i had promised myself not to go on social media during my vacation, yet here i am. in a strange hotel. watching a video, because watching other people's lives through a screen has become a habit that feels like home.

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some experiments on reflection

My working theory is that it was the mirror that made me into a ghost. Emphasis on the "working" – I'm still undecided whether I would describe my state of being as ghosthood, and also on how the mirror did the ghost thing. 

In the spirit of science, I have a couple of test scenarios that I believe would help me figure out what happened.

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