
Hmm, It's been a while since I've written a DW, and anyhow, it's only the second one.
And did you know, you're probably reading this at the other side of the globe where I am right now, as I'm writing this DW.
I am in KOREA. This is very new to me, a billion "First"s to add, and a billion "Never"s to erase.
Airplane ride
Lone Airplane Ride
In Korea
Out of the US
Travelling Alone
Having a suitcase
Seeing Korean Money

You do not know how amazing it is, and how faint it is to be in Korea. And how it's still same land, solid land, so it doesn't feel any different, only that there are Korean people everywhere, and yeah, there's no difference. I expected something big, I don't know what, something that would make Korea much better and cooler than America, the way I dreamed it to be, but it's same old land. No magical unicorn or mysterious wizards.
But I just like it, just knowing it's Korea. Pretty hard to imagine I'm not in America. At all. It feels the same! Geez, I probably think our house is next door.
It's sort of scary, how... same... it feels.
But I hope there's much more to see out of Korea. So this is day 1 in Korea, DW2.
This is Celine the reporter speaking, Thank You for reading LoVe, ReAd, wRiTe! DW writings!
AM 10:37 Pyongtaek, Korea. July 29, 2011.