
Hello, friends of the Earth. I hope you have not been worrying about me, for I have been well. I know it's been a while since I've posted regularly on this blog, but my fondness for it has certainly not dwindled. It's just that there are lots of things going on in my life that prevent me from focusing on posting frequently. I hope you all understand.

I was reading through my old posts today (even the ones with multiple exclamation points, emojis, and lots of other ridiculously embarrassing tidbits) and I am, once again, reminded of the good memories that this blog has brought to me. I am already a senior in high school now (the common application is open--time to stress some more, haha), and it's near unbelievable that the administrator of this blog, at one point, was a silly fifth grader.

As you can see, most of my posts are now writing-focused. I am sad to say that my reading has decreased over the years; I am no longer poring over books as I was in elementary or middle school. But no worries -- I still love reading. I still love good writing.

I will try to update you all a little more frequently on my life and my writing and my reading. Now that it is senior year of high school, I hope that I will be able to manage my time more wisely. Of course, throughout the four years I've gone slightly MIA, I've always been writing (I can never give that up). Posting is the difficulty, really.

I hope to submit to a literary magazine before school starts--I really want to be published in some way or other. I have found some good literary magazines that I like. The writings in their publications are phenomenal, and I cannot help but feel a little intimidated. But I'll try my best.

For now, please see the spectacle that is the new layout of this blog! I have changed it something more clean and neat. I now have quite some knowledge in mark-up language, so customizing the layout was not much of a hassle at all (I remember when I spent hours trying to fix drop-down menus back in sixth grade; at one point I'm pretty sure I asked my father to help me).

Happy reading and writing, as always!

Love, Celine.