dream (v.)

dream (v.)

  1. to be haunted
    it looks me in the eye everywhere i go. i’ve tried leaving countries and following people, throwing away instinct down the drain but the drain isn’t as far as it goes because it comes back up and i see it sitting at the other end of my bed when i wake up in the morning. its wit is deceptive; i’ve fallen in love and i know it is my own fault. it hides in the space between my shadow and the ground when i walk and i can feel its weight behind me as i drag my dark outline, twice its weight because of the amount of ideas that i have fed it.
  2. to be hungry
    harrowing. i can’t say i’ve attempted to relieve this sensation, this gut-itching soul-growling insatiable feeling that i cannot let leave no matter how many times i scratch my skin. i can dig to the bone but it will do nothing. there is no fight or flight in this one; it is fight or die or die trying. i’ve eaten so much of the wrong things but i feel as if i have had nothing since birth.