Rebirth and Reflections
It is I, great procrastinator of posts, fighter of due-dates, ignorer of goals! (epithetcoughepithetcoughcoughcoughCOUGH) It is I, great Indigo, who is back from the dead! I have gone through a perilous journey of ignoring my blog and doing Other Things.
And I am back!
My conscience was poking at me with this really sharp needle of urgency these few weeks, especially because I have an app that reminds me of the things I'm supposed to do, and "BLOG POST" was screaming red and had four unchecked lines, so it kind of made me a bit uncomfortable,,,
And also, I have a friend who actually reads this blog (the only person, probably), and she was a bit antsy about the fact that I haven't posted much. "Ender's game movie" has been at the top of my blog for quite a few weeks.
So hurrah! I am back. Noble Indigo has returned from her mighty quest of Nothingness.
(I have probably had about three bajillion rebirths on this blog alone.)
(Okay, I lied. Perhaps a tad bit less than that. But definitely a myriad of times.)
(Maybe myriad isn't such an appropriate word.)
(Fine. Maybe two or three.)
(Or four.)
But that's not the point. The point is, I'm back, I'm alive, and I have two finals left tomorrow, meaning I'll be much freer (freer? More free? Much freer or much more free? Whatever. Freedom is fine, however you word it) in the summer, meaning I'll post more in the summer.
I'll try to make up for the innumerable amount of times I have neglected to update this blog-of-a-thang.
Right now, I am worried a bit about my English final.
You see, I am quite a... free? Is that the word? ... person. I tend not to like gates or fences, and I kind of want to do things whatever.
When it comes to rules, I may follow them, especially in school. But when it comes to art--especially writing (not so much art, I don't know), I hate structure.
I really do.
That's why I hate essays, when it's five paragraphs with a thesis at the last sentence of the first paragraph and the three body paragraphs and--GRAHHAIWEJGFLKAJSHF
telling your feelings and conveying your thoughts into other people's heads--
it's INCEPTION but a whole lot less complicated. (That thing, honestly, hurt my temples. I will never want to dream that complicated-ly. Good movie, though.)
To make it into a math equation--!!!!
Okay, I'll stop. I just don't really like structure, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. It's on the SATs, and I can't exactly write a smiley face on the 'write your essay in the space below' and expect to get into a decent college.
Our teacher said that our essay for the English final would be "very loose." And she kept saying "very loose" until it made me really confused. Is it really that loose that you have to say it a bajillion times? (Okay. Exaggerating again. Maybe I like hyperboles. But you get the point. She said it more than twice.)
So when I got the essay on the day of the final, which was some cheesy reflection essay, I got kind of excited, because if she said it was "very loose," and "not structured," then that meant that I could write liberally, freely, whatever the word is.
So I did.
But I might have written it a bit too freely.
Although I think I did put a hint of that citric (yes, I said citric) sarcasm that I put in my blog posts here. It's my writing tone, you know. It's kind of developed into my tone. I don't know if that's a good thing, but writing on a blog for three years kind of makes this tone your tone. You know? I can't just say I've been faking this tone for three years, and actually I'm a very sophisticated writer who eats french fries with a fork.
(Maybe I'll try someday, though.)
But even though it's kind of precarious for my grade to put such a 'free' tone in my writing and not be all structured and fancy and 'suck up to the teacher'-y (because it was a reflection. I could have very much put 'I learned so much from this class, and it has made me become a whole new person, and I think I'm going to major in English in college and I've learned so much and it's really developed my interest in reading and writing and you're the best teacher ever muah muah heart heart I love English' etc.etc.),
(I hope you can understand this--I put a lot of parentheses. Just read the sentence without the parentheses and it'll make a bit more sense.)
I still am a little proud that I put my tone in my writing and wrote daringly freely. (Don't worry, I didn't put any "anywhos" or "anywhats" or "well" or whatevs. I did put one "okay" though. Heh. Whatever.) I wrote what I meant to wrote, and I wrote it in the tone that I'm most comfortable with and teachers might abhor.
(Last time I tried writing daringly freely was back in seventh grade. My teacher displayed it to another class to point out what was wrong with it. True story. My friend told me later on.)
(Hopefully that won't happen again.)
Well, all in all, I like writing, and I actually think I like research essays, only if they aren't graded (because then I can use that 'citric' sarcasm that I often use). You get to find research, formulate a thesis, and give evidence supporting your topic! That's just... awesome!
Maybe I'll write one in the summer. Although it does take a lot of time and effort.
Time and effort.
Two things I cannot afford. I have a lot of it, but I just don't use it.
Perhaps I should try stop being lazy one day.
Yay! I will try to not be lazy.
(See. I say things like this, but I never actually do them.)
(Stop it, Indigo. You will.)
(Sure. Like that'll ever happen.)
(Heehee I'm making myself fight with my conscience.)
(Which one's the conscience?)
(I don't know.)
I'm gonna go sleep now.
Wish me luck on the Biology final tomorrow. I didn't really study much. I relaxed too much because people said it was really easy.
Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to study in the morning or something.