Summer is Up

Hi all! It's already the summer, and I'm going through my daily routine (which I planned out down to the minute) that is busier than school, possibly. But whatever. I made it so that by 3:00, I'm done with everything and I can do whatever I want after that point.
You'll all be glad to hear that I put BLOGGING in my schedule! I set aside a whole hour to blog. From 7:30 to 8:30! I can blog on my innumerable annoying blogs (many of which I have not posted more than thrice on) for a whole entire hour! (Although I'm probably going to erase the majority of my innumerable annoying blogs due to their inactivity and vestigial purpose.)

So yesterday, I went on a trip to the library and got my summer reading books. Thank goodness I live on the edge of town--the scramble for the summer reading books had already begun. It's inevitable that most kids are going to go to the library to borrow the summer reading books (unless some people decide they're worthy of purchase), and there's obviously more than five people in my grade. This means that by perhaps the first day of summer vacation, all of the libraries are out of that specific book and it's on hold for so many people that they're not sure when it's going to be available again. (This actually happened.)
So again, thank goodness I live at the edge of town. The library that we go to is in another town, who doesn't have the same summer reading books as us, meaning it's available. (:
Unfortunately, though, there are more students living at the edge of town than just my family, so quite a few books were on hold for 'an indeterminable amount of time' as well. But still. One book was still not checked out! (The Book Thief by Markus Zusak)

I am going to try to stock up on some good books this summer. I've gained interest in non-fiction books, as well, which is strange, because before, non-fiction never really seemed to appeal to me.
(I'm going to have to decipher the Dewey decimal system, though. I really can't find my way through the library. All that stuff from second grade. Have to pull that out of the back of my brain again.)
I think I should start reading a lot more biographies, since I'm at the age where I have to start thinking about professions. Where else to start better than in books about the successes of human history? (Or the tragedies, for that matter.) Perhaps they will serve as an inspiration, give me an idea of what some jobs are like, and also give me courage for my future.

Aaaand, I've found a new interesting author to search for. John Green! I've been watching their (John Green and his (awesome) brother, Hank Green's) CrashCourse videos (which are short, concise, entertaining, yet very informative videos about a range of subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, US history, and even Literature) on youtube, as well as their Vlogbrothers channel. It's funny, seeing 'nerds' vlog and rant about nerdy things. I've also heard about how great an author he is (or rather, how great his books are), so yesterday, before going to the library, I checked on the online catalog if they had any John Green Books. (We do that a lot--before going to the library, we check if they're actually in the library in the first place.)
So apparently, a lot of people think that John Green is a great author. A LOT. Because ALL of his books, and I mean all were checked out--not only checked out, but PUT ON HOLD for an "indeterminable amount of time"!!
Thankfully, one book was just on hold by one person (and not, cough, an indeterminable amount of time-amount-of-people COUGH), so we put that on hold, too. I have a feeling that it's going to be on hold for an indeterminable amount of time in the near future, as well.

Welp, I commend you, John Green, for driving me crazy, and making our library busy with your books. And giving us only two weeks to read the book when other people put the book on hold after us (heh, we usually renew the books for nearly months, until it's too late and we forget and we have to pay a fine to the library).

Happy reading!

PS. Oh, and regarding how my "very loose" English essay went, she actually gave me an A! Which is the weirdest thing. I guess some people like my sarcastic tone. Yay! Huzzah! (I've always wanted to say that. Huzzah. Heehee.)