Blog Update! And Looking Back...
Hi y'all! I'm actually on time this time! It's Sunday, and I am dutifully posting the weekly post. ;D
This time, since I'm really busy and I have to go somewhere in approximately ten minutes, I'm going to have to make this a quick post. But thank goodness I actually have something to post about. Heh.. Otherwise I'd be rambling on about nonsense and going off tangents and wasting too many words.
I hope you've all noticed the slight change in the blog theme/color.. I thought that the blog design before was a bit too dark and very cluttered and not neat and very... uh, incompetent. I don't know the word to describe it. I just didn't like it. So I changed it. I like it a lot more, now. It's very neat and simple and not too-ordinary, but not too extravagant with a bunch of drawings everywhere, if you know what I mean.
I also like the color theme. It's nice and calm, with a light pastel-ish (not really) blue and a maroon-ish red... Before, I could barely read the words because of the dark background...
Simple. I like simple.
Looking back...
I've been looking at my previous posts these days--and I mean way back. When I first started my blog. And it's so strange reading them, thinking that at one point in time, I was writing those same words about those books. It's weird. My writing style has really changed. Back then, it was a lot... simpler. And... I don't know.. How do I describe it? A lot more polite. Not to say that I'm rude now. Oh, I hope I'm not writing rudely now...
It might sound strange, but it sounds a lot like my brother's writing style, his writing style on his blog. (He's in fifth grade.) I can't describe it. It sounds very far-away and less personal, and... hmmm... a lot younger, should I say? I don't know..!
But it's nice reading them again, thinking of the good'ol days.
And it's very interesting just skipping through the posts, reading them in time's progression, and noting the slow yet noticeable development of my blog-voice. You know, that slightly sarcastic tone of voice that I often use? I don't know... But my voice has definitely changed from the beginning of 2010 to now, May of 2013. Wow. That's three years. Its a pretty long time, actually.
This blog is three years old.
I didn't really take that in consciously until now.
Well, it's getting late (I came back from the-place to finish the post), so I must go to sleep now.
See you all next week.
Au revoir.