writing! a poem!

Hello there, fellow humans. I hope you all are good on this day. Whatever good means.

It's a dusty Tuesday morning, awkwardly early and dark, the time when nothing's awake but the few who work and the few whose hearts stay restless through the night. It's four o'clock.
So why am I awake?

That's beside the point.

Four o'clock is the best time to be alive, when the sliver between reality and sub-reality meet at a junction in which I can reside and write poetry.

Have I told you I've recently fallen in love with avant-garde style writing?

Well I have.

Here is a link to one of my poems (it can only be viewed on a separate page and you'll see why).

poem 1: once

I am continuing to write and survive, although these days my will for writing has decreased. It's not to say I don't like writing any more--I still love writing as much as I did last year, or the year before that--but I've just been in a very tired(?) state for quite a while so I guess that has influenced my will to do anything. This may actually be the first in-tact writing piece I've written in a few months...

But nevertheless!
I am alive!
And well!

And writing!
Which is exciting. I'm growing more and more fond of poetry now. Its poignant charm has really gotten to me.

I'm hoping to update with more writing soon!
If I write, that is.

Wishing you all the best!
Happy writing.