Book 17 - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Well, I'm making a change of plans. I'm too far behind, so I need to catch up, and the only possible way is to forget about the ones I couldn't do, and just skip right to current.
But I'm not going to be too current, because I'm going to make the report on...
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
By Rick Riordan
I don't know, but I think I've heard that name before. I mean, the author, Rick Riordan. Maybe I've read one of his books. Probably. It rings a bell, and that bell is really loud...
Well I loved this book. I loved it. Absolutely. Absolutedly!! (I spelled it wrong... on purpose.) I usually don't really like fantasy fantasy books, but this one is great. Come to think of it, the first book on this blog -the first book I read in 2010 -is also fantasy fantasy! And I liked that one, too... Maybe I do like fantasy, only that I just don't really like magicy witchcrafty books.
Anyway, Percy Jackson ROCKS!!! Wow, even though I saw the movie twice, this book is way better than the movie. I mean, the movie didn't even include some characters and it left out the cool parts! Well to my opinion. And anyway, the movie was good, too.
Well, I didn't know there was such disease as what, dyslexia? That would be wierd. I wonder how it feels like. But anyway, its kind of amazing, how the author "plants seeds," as our literacy teacher would call it, in the book. Meaning, in the beginning, or before a problem, the author includes something, a small something, that leads to a reason why something else happens afterwords. For example, Percy had dyslexia. And, that was the seed. And later on, he learns that most half-bloods have dyslexia, because they can understand Latin better. Which is really cool, when you don't even know it, but you know it.
And other seeds are...
Well, I'm guessing that in the end, when he realizes how Kronos was the person who made Luke all evil and how Kronos was planning to tear Percy apart. I'm guessing that's the seed planted for the next book.
My favorite part is when they find out who Percy is (son of Poseidon) and see him healing really quickly because of the water. That was cool. I would like to be like that.
And also when he was in the ocean and he could breathe and swim and you know...
Oh, and another seed planted -when he was training with Luke, and he poured water on himself, and he felt instantly better -it planted the seed to show that he was Poseidon's son.
Overall, this book was AWESOME!!
For those of you who have never read the book, READ IT!! and I'm not kidding...
Its a really good book.
5 out of 5!!!!!!!!