Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire --By J.K.Rowling

          I am in the midst of re-reading this book. It's the second best book I've ever read. The second best book of the Harry Potter series, too. This one has a lot of excitement, and it's kind of new, sort of, with the Triwizard Tournament.

          Obviously, as many of you Harry Potter readers have predicted, right from chapter whatever-it-may-be when Harry's name is popped out of the Goblet, 
Goblet, I knew just then (maybe I didnt realize right at that time, but I knew I knew), that Harry was gonna win. And since it is the second best book Ive read, its definitely gonna be a great one for you, too. Yes, Im talking to you. Whos reading this. And, so... Im not gonna say anything else about the champion. Okay fine, maybe I am, but. Just know, if you dont want the story to be ruined, then... Dont read when I tell you not to. Because then you won't know the end. Because knowing the end of the story never helps when you dont want to.

          Harry is really brave. Throughout the story, you just know why he was put in Griffyndor. Because of his endless bravery. I mean, in the last book... never mind. But anyway, you notice that the other houses, they aren't as brave. All the trouble usually happens in Gryffindor (if you don't count the Slytherins' futures). Did you see in The Sorcerer's Stone, how Malfoy was so scared? When he saw Voldemort, I mean. In the Forbidden Forest. That was funny. He deserved that. I mean, he'll be. He'll be... Oh I can't say, but I want to. OOHHHHHHHH. It's about Malfoy kid. and. Voldemort. and. uh. his father. and. wizards. and. am i giving too much away? ... He's a coward and a bully and never deserves all that money he has. Because he's mean and selfish. 
          Enough with insulting Malfoy's already insulted self. I watched the movie, and I think it's the best one so far, probably because The Deathly Hallows still has yet to come out. I think in November, the July of next year for the second part. I can't wait. I CAN'T WAIT. I mean, I'm fidgeting... I was hoping it'd come out in about.. August. But no, it has to be in NOVEMBER and JULY 2010!!! I have to see it in theaters.
          Besides my personal plans of what to do, I liked the idea of the Triwizard Tournament. It was mentioned at the Quidditch Cup, and it kept me reading at about RES3~2. 
          I invented a scale. It's called the RES System. (read rehss, meaning Reading Excitement Scale) When a part of a book is exciting, then you find yourself skipping every five words to try to get to the end, fast. The RES System is a simple way to measure how exciting a book is by how many words you skip. For example, Harry is about to die (I'm not gonna say if he is or not, that's up to your responsibility), so you skip every six words, On the RES System (or the REScale [read ree-sckayl), it is a 6. Written RES6. (Notice I'm making this up as I go along... :P )
          Anyway, it made me want to get to the part where they explain. But by the looks of it, I knew it wasn't going to come up for a few pages, a chapter, at least, so I didn't read that fast.
          Speaking of Quidditch Cup (actually, I wasn't talking about it for 3 paragraphs), it was sort of all-of-a-sudden, how suddenly there was the Dark Mark. I guess it "plants the seed," kind of gives an unknown clue to the end. How that. That. Voldemort is rising. To power. Once again.
          To be on the bright side, I thought the Quidditch Cup was quite amazing. Though I don't know if Krum was right to get the snitch, though. Maybe he was. But only if they got twenty more points, they could have won. But I guess he figured that there wasn't much big chance of winning... 
          It seemed so amazing, how they described it. The idea of the omnioculars were so amazing. I mean, how could someone have thought of that. Well, the whole idea of Harry Potter, so no surprise there.
          My wish is that Quidditch is real. I mean, personally, I don't think the Quidditch games we try to imitate is great. I mean, it's kind of pathetic, looking at people with broomsticks under them, running around, hitting each other with soccer balls or whatever. (Go to www.youtube.com and type in Quidditch Games and a bunch of stuff will come up <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YmJob5rbNM> ). I wish I could be in Quidditch. I wish I were in Harry Potter's wonderful world, to be a wizard, to live such great life. I wish...
          Oh, well.

           Once that I've read it again for the second time, it's kind of cool to read the book and know all the answers. So when you see Mad-Eye Moody helping Harry out, you squint and glare at the page, as if to say, "Yeah, right..." and see Cedric and be all sad for him, he shouldn't have put his name in the Goblet... or rather... Voldemort should have thought better, or Harry should have been a bit more selfish to just touch the Cup by himself... But its never someone's fault to what destiny is. 

          Great book, my second favorite, like the movie too. It's cool.
If you want to see the movies, download it... or other... and watch it, after you've read the book. AFTER. (It's never fun to read something when you know almost half the answers...) Rate it only 11 out of 10... I know, I go hard...