Archive for 4/1/11

I have started a nother story.

A nother story, and also nother story has come out. Two nother stories.
They are quite different in genre, and style, though I assume, since I am one person, wherefore (I wonder if there's such thing as herefore or whofore, because there's wherefore and therefore) I cannot exactly change my style, because I am jumping from one to another, though that prior phrase was a lie, but anyhow--
One nother story is titled Light like a Star and is a realistic fiction story about a little girl in first grade who gives hope to a senior named Tom, and learns some stories about the "good old days," whereas Tom, who is diagnosed with a rare sort of cancer, is in jeopardy of dying, yet keeps the secret from the little girl, Lucy, and finds hope in her naiive-ness. The story ends... yeah I won't tell you.
The other nother one is about a girl named Jade (I like that name, so you'll see that name a lot. It means brave? Courage? I forget. Something of the sort. Oh, just so you know, I usually pick names by their meanings). (Yes, Lucy means light, thus the title of the prior story). SHe lives in a country that was once the United States, but not so united anymore, and the whole states thing dissappeared, after the strike of 2089... I don't want to explain this one. It's so vague and faraway, I have to explain so much, and the only reason I got on the computer was to write, only I decided I'd make a post first, but now I'm going to eat dinner soon, so I don't want to waste my time. Enough with the HWC Syndrome, I don't need to waste more time.
So if you want to read on, please go to the website. I am too lazy to type it in, so go to the labels bar at the right or left, the one titled "Labels/Links" or something of the sort and click the last link. "WEBSITE." Pretty self explanatory. Then you go to "Files" at the side, the left side, and you'll scroll through the list of documents and "View" the story you want to, and the reason I'm telling you this is to read one of either of the nother stories, so I would sugggest reading one of the nother stories.
Fine, the link is here.
it'll get you right to the files page.

You're welcome!
Thank you and Have a nice Day. (c)AJ2010


Edition to "2011 Untitled"

How cowardly of I, to make such an edition as to decrease the amount, yet think that I may maintain the true value.
However, this year, is a Busy year, also. Of course, me and my Homeworkicitis Syndrome, the HWC Syndrome for short, has caused me a great deal of time to be wasted on hours of homework that could be (maybe) finished within minutes, if acted swiftly and quickly. However, I, having a severe case of the HWC Syndrome, I could not help but waste my time through such dreadful thing called Homework, in which one must take many doses of in the dreaded level of Middle School, though not as dreaded as the High School levels, or even, at the extreme, college. Though people say something called adulthood is something one must regret to experience. Though some say it's inevitable...
Anyhow, I am in the dreaded level of Middle School, with a severe case of the HWC Syndrome.
In which I am going through therapy, but... so far, it's not exactly succeeding.

How cowardly of I, to make such an edition as to decrease the amount, yet think that I may maintain the true value.
How cowardly of I, to change the goal of this year. Yes, indeed.
I have found it a bit off too hard a task, as I have stated that this year, is a Busy year, although if this year is a Busy year, then next, and the following years would become a Very Busy year, later on to become an Extremely busy year.
So, before you get confused whether I may or may not state the actual edition or not, here goes.
I shall edit the one chapter book and twelve stories to five full written, perfect stories.
Of couse, the term perfect is inaccurate, because even the best of authors and writers (sans difference) fail to find perfection in their writing, wherefore, I am an amateur writer, (did I spell that right? There's no spell check on this computer) whom, as you may have noticed, cannot write a perfect writing within my lifetime.
Well, that may sound quite negative, but it is very true. Quite so.
Anyhow, on I go, ranting nonsense when the whole thing could be stated within four sentences, or less, but anyhow, it's fun writing (mayhaps, typing) like this.
Wherefore. The goal is changed to, as I stated before, five full written (almost) perfect stories. Even (almost) perfect is an exaggeration, because no writing is (almost) perfect.
Though, some are... but I'm only... twelve. I haven't even lived half of my life yet.
Though... who knows...?
It is a drastic change, of course, and I may (slim chance) be going to Korea alone (with my brother, but he doesn't count as someone ), and writing when on vacation in a foreign country may be a difficult and arduous task. Whence, my cousins will come priorly, which shall also be an obstacle, and a month may not be an abundance of time to write a whole chapter book, and, twelve stories in which I have been procrastinating to commence any.
So, five full (not nearly) perfect stories, each over about three pages, let's say, so not exactly short, but not a Big Sort of Book, if you know what I mean, because authors and certain amateur writers tend to take a while to write a single Big Sort of Book, (coughmecough.) and,,, there.

So. If you don't mind, I shall change it.
Actually, whether or not you mind or not, I shall change it. (did that make sense? too mut "or not"s?)

MBP- Late April Entrance

My apologies, for the past few months this blog has been just a bit slightly neglected, as the dust has been forming a second or third layer upon this template.
So I changed it (a lot).
It's a bit messy, for my liking, but I find myself a bit too lazy to fix it back. And anyhow, I like the elephants.

Here is a photo:

The Orange Houses

Why, hello, again. I have returned to my prior habits of giving a small report on books I find interesting.
Well, of course.

Anyhow, I had stumbled upon such book titled The Orange Houses written by the author Paul Griffin. Now, before you assume the book is extremely tiring and the type that would make you sort of droop your eyes without realizing it, you must listen.
It is a very, good, book. very. good. book.
I think--
Well. You'll have to read it yourself to know whether you'd like it or not, wouldn't you? I-mean, shouldn't you?

Now what I am extremely confused about is whether Mik is chubby or not. I don't want her to be chubby. I want her to be pretty (I guess she is, by the way Jae and Gale are acting... ), but then Sha calls her a fat itch.
Hmmm. whenever a word doesn't make sense and it rhymes with a term of profanity, it is then a replacement of the term of profanity it rhymes with. As so in this case, it may be applicable. coughitchcough.
I am also confused whether Mik is... umm... African American or not, and whether Jimmi is, because for some reason, I have that feeling at the pit of my stomach, though they never say so.
So I think she's... Caucasian, but... who knows? Those slang and stuff.
But I'm sure if Mik is Caucasian, Jimmi is, and so on. Because... I don't know.
And I think (pretty sure) that Fatima is Egyptian. Because, they said she was in Africa, and then they said they were going blah blah blah Egypt blah blah blah (I forget the whereabouts of such mentioning).

I am not sure, so I strongly suggest that you read the book that Mr. Paul Griffin read.
I honestly think authors should have a title. Mr., Mrs., Wr., or maybe Aut., No. Au. No.
I think Wr. is best.
So I shall start the revolution.
Wr. Paul Griffin wrote the book The Orange Houses, and I strongly suggest such reading of such sort of literature. As it does have some interesting poems, and it is fairly hard to decipher. I think I shall take a second round of reading it, whence my confusion has caused me so.
(Hey, I like talking like this.)

And I very much took a liking of Jimmi's poems, as though the grammar may not be in much agreement with a Literacy instructor, it has a good rhythm, almost. It's a catchy type.
And catchy means that I want to write like that sort of poems.

Already made some.
They're on my other blog,
Thanks, and have a nice day. (c)AJ2010

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I'm not sure whether I said this or not, but The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a strongly recommended book.
Nothing left to say.
Just to say, Catching Fire and Mockingjay are two follow ups to The Hunger Games and they are three amazing books.

I don't know, but The Hunger Games almost seems to try to give a point across about today's government.
...I forget. While I was reading it, I kind of knew why, but...
Never mind.

It's coming out in 2012, I think. I'm pretty sure. Hopefully, maybe, late 2011. But I doubt. Yeah.
I think it's 2012. Since I'm so lazy to look it up, I'm just going to guess.
Oh yeah, and so is "Uglies." They better get a good Tally.
And a perfect Katniss and Peeta and Gale.
I wish the Katniss and Rue from "Katniss and Rue" on youtube were the actual actors for the movie. Then it'd be perfect. They were great. Just like the book.
I wish the movie would be that good.

Any reading suggestions, please tell me...