Edition to "2011 Untitled"
How cowardly of I, to make such an edition as to decrease the amount, yet think that I may maintain the true value.
However, this year, is a Busy year, also. Of course, me and my Homeworkicitis Syndrome, the HWC Syndrome for short, has caused me a great deal of time to be wasted on hours of homework that could be (maybe) finished within minutes, if acted swiftly and quickly. However, I, having a severe case of the HWC Syndrome, I could not help but waste my time through such dreadful thing called Homework, in which one must take many doses of in the dreaded level of Middle School, though not as dreaded as the High School levels, or even, at the extreme, college. Though people say something called adulthood is something one must regret to experience. Though some say it's inevitable...
Anyhow, I am in the dreaded level of Middle School, with a severe case of the HWC Syndrome.
In which I am going through therapy, but... so far, it's not exactly succeeding.
How cowardly of I, to make such an edition as to decrease the amount, yet think that I may maintain the true value.
How cowardly of I, to change the goal of this year. Yes, indeed.
I have found it a bit off too hard a task, as I have stated that this year, is a Busy year, although if this year is a Busy year, then next, and the following years would become a Very Busy year, later on to become an Extremely busy year.
So, before you get confused whether I may or may not state the actual edition or not, here goes.
I shall edit the one chapter book and twelve stories to five full written, perfect stories.
Of couse, the term perfect is inaccurate, because even the best of authors and writers (sans difference) fail to find perfection in their writing, wherefore, I am an amateur writer, (did I spell that right? There's no spell check on this computer) whom, as you may have noticed, cannot write a perfect writing within my lifetime.
Well, that may sound quite negative, but it is very true. Quite so.
Anyhow, on I go, ranting nonsense when the whole thing could be stated within four sentences, or less, but anyhow, it's fun writing (mayhaps, typing) like this.
Wherefore. The goal is changed to, as I stated before, five full written (almost) perfect stories. Even (almost) perfect is an exaggeration, because no writing is (almost) perfect.
Though, some are... but I'm only... twelve. I haven't even lived half of my life yet.
Though... who knows...?
It is a drastic change, of course, and I may (slim chance) be going to Korea alone (with my brother, but he doesn't count as someone
So, five full (not nearly) perfect stories, each over about three pages, let's say, so not exactly short, but not a Big Sort of Book, if you know what I mean, because authors and certain amateur writers tend to take a while to write a single Big Sort of Book, (coughmecough.) and,,, there.
So. If you don't mind, I shall change it.
Actually, whether or not you mind or not, I shall change it. (did that make sense? too mut "or not"s?)