Father Figure by Richard Peck
I thought it would be some innocent, heartwarming book that is the kind that would win the Newberry Medal... but it's kind of different. It's on the verge of modern classic and ordinary books. I don't know how to classify it. It was in the YoungAdults section in the library though.
Jim. I thought, not even in a million years, would a parent bear to name their son Jim. It's such an.... old name. Like naming your daughter Beatrice, or... Barbara. I would want some exotic name that sounds cool or maybe an ordinary name, not an old one. But yet, this person's name is Jim. And Byron. that name isn't bad, but anyway, Jim was kind of old.
It made me think, constantly, before I corrected myself, that the setting was in some old Kansas cottage or something in the eighteen hundreds.
I liked the book. I mean, the idea of the book. For one thing, it was nice to think of father and son reuniting, but... not for Jim. Jim had to go... Should I say? I have a weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach that some of you readers didn't read the book yet. And remember, rule number one if you want the book not to be spoiled, read it before I get a chance to spoil the ending. But then there are people who ignore that anyway. So I'll just say that what Jim did in the end was very unexpected, him going... never mind.
I was happy that Byron... stayed. This is a good part of the ending, so I'm just going to spoil it for you. Anyway, it's your fault that you kept reading on after the previous paragraph warning you to read the book first. (Oh and the way I say how Byron stays might give you too much of a clue to how Jim ends. So maybe you should kind of forget what I said. Yeah.)
Enough with blaming and spoiling endings.
I thought that Marietta was going to marry Jim's dad. Or something of that sort. And that the family will be remade. Not that... Jim would want Marietta .. or something of that sort... It comes to the conclusion that boys at that age, whatever age Jim may be, may think ... weird thoughts...
My favorite character is Byron. Because he's so calm and can deal with such situations. And what's even weird is that my brother is also eight years old and he is very much not so mature (at this second, he's talking to himself when he's supposed to be finishing his work). Not that he's always talking to himself; he's just in a hyper mood right now.. but not that he's calm and mature, fully mature, either...
At first, I didn't get that Byron's mother committed suicide. At first, I thought she somehow died in the car. Though I wonder how she killed herself in the car. Choked herself? Stabbed herself? What? Ate pills she secretly bought?
Never mind, I don't want answers to such... scary questions.
There's nothing much to say, now that I think about it.
It wasn't one of my FAVORITE BOOKS, as you can see, at the bottom of the entry, it doesn't have the label "favorites",,, but it was, a good book. Not what I'd call bad.
(Remember the Bill of Rights; Freedom of Speech)
Yes, I would suggest it to people... BUT not for eight year olds and that sort... They're too young (I guess) to read about serious death.
I guess I should end here.