The Missing Series: FOUND by Margaret Peterson Haddix!!!!!!
I wrote Found in all capitals because it more fits the book. Sort of. Not found, but FOUND. And besides, the book says FOUND on the cover.
Margaret Peterson Haddix. Is one of my all time favorite authors. How could I have forgotten to put her on my list of favorite authors? (on the bottom right sidebar. scroll down to see.) She's the best Science Fiction/Spookyish story writers I've ever read. I don't mean R.L.Stein Scary. I mean, Haddix Spooky. You know? There's a difference between scary and spooky. Scary is more.. solid. I mean, scary is monsters, skeletons, huge people with teeth that bite into skin as if it were just cheese. Or... never mind. Spooky isn't monsterish things. They're ideas. Missing people, dissapearing things, moving objects, talking dolls (who look kind of spooky in a way), you know...
Her books are amazing. She's a master storyteller. Page turner. That's what they say, I think, in reviews. (I read them. Believe it or not, they tell you if the book's good. I mean, if there's the quote thing on them, that means its a good book. Boring books don't usually have that on it. I mean, other than what looks like boring information, it actually tells you that it's a good book. You know that? Try it someday.)
All of Haddix's books are amazing. Her recent series, other than this one, I mean, the one that's recent but finished, is the Shadow Children series. Even the title is spooky... go to for her official website: news for the latest books, and the Missing series, which I'm pretty sure she's writing right now.
Back to the Missing series. From the beginning, the book appealed to me. First of all, it was averagely thick. And second of all (this should be the first reason), it was Margaret Peterson Haddix's book. I hadn't read her books in a while. So I took it off the shelf of the summer reading section of the library. And, thirdly, the about-story thing on the book flaps were very exciting, appealing. And... It was the second book. So I looked for the first one. Found it. Get it! FOUND it. No, that's not funny. Anyway, I read it as soon as I got it. I think. I don't remember. I did read it within two days. You know, once I get a hold of a book I really like, I can't let go of it. I need to finish it before I look up and say, "Whah?"
I liked her idea. And the characters were good. The name Chip is funny, though. Reminds me of the book Disappearing Acts By Betsy Byars.. Meat. But anyway. The ending was kind of spoiled for me because I saw the second book first and I read the second book's story-about, which kind of told the ending of the first book. I knew more than I should.
The beginning was really cool.. spooky. I liked it. A great book, right from the beginning. Spooky and appealing.
It is so... good. The book. How first, they go to see the FBI person. Or whoever. I wonder if the FBI person even knows about the time travel thing. And then the JB person? I'll call him JB, because that's easier than, what.. Alzono Alfred Aloysius K'Tah or whatever.
And the letters. And the papers at the FBI person's office place. With the appearing and disappearing JB person.
I would want to be one of them. And I mean it. I wish I were some king on England, or an important person of history.
You see, the book, it's about these people from the future, they want to save lives from the past, horrific deaths that can go unknown as death, when actually, they've gone to the past and saved that person's life and made them back into babies and then put them in the future. But they started getting off track. I mean, they started taking royalty. Or children of explorers. Important people. And guess what! There's this other person, JB, who opposes that. They say it's going to change history too much and that everything will collapse. So JB, during one of the other people's missions, diabled the time machine thing. And so they landed in our time, and the thirty six babies were unloaded into our time, by accident. And Jonah is one of them.
Oh yes, I'd want to be one of them... Royalty, princess, or maybe... someone important.
I would want to try to call people, and see someone disappear and appear at will.
The book, in short, is awesome.
Ohhh just everything is good. Exciting. Even reading it over, I can't stop flipping the page.
And the encounter with Angela DuPure, one of the witnesses who saw the airplane (that had the babies) dissapear into thin air. Her theory with the Tachyon Travel error was pretty good. She said that some people were attempting the first of time travel, and the seats were filled with adults at first, but the time travel thing went wrong, so they turned "back in time" and became babies. But it was different. I knew beforehand, though, because thanks to me reading the about-story of the second book first.
And the cave part is very interesting, too. I mean, how they're out of time. But.. all of this time thing gets me confused. It makes me put down the book and think about it for a while before I get some theory that seems to match with the book and I start reading again. And the people. I wish I remembered who Jonah was. And who all the people are. It is kind of interesting. I would want to be like one of those people.
I won't tell you so much, but this is the greatest book yet. You HAVE to read it. PLEASE!!!!!!
Must read.
FOUND by Margaret Peterson Haddix