January 4, 2010- InKhEaRt Chapter 23-A Night full of Words
Dustfinger is suddenly a little bit selfish. Not selfish,,, but somehow like a master - to Farid. He treats him as a servant. A servant he doesn't really care much of, but cares for at the same time, if you know what I mean...
I noticed that Farid is very eager to go along with Dustfinger. Why? Maybe the fire astonishes him. Maybe he likes Dustfinger;s "brave" acts. Maybe he likes his horned marten. I think he likes Dustfinger because he doesn't treat Farid as harshly as, probably, his former "masters." I don't think he ever tasted freedom, by himself what he wants (Farid).
The part when Mo tries to reach the author of Inkheart-
I think that the person would not have the book.
Prediction correct.
This prediction goes way to the end, because I still haven't been able to do anything to prove it or whatever...
I think that Fenoglio will rewrite the book with Capricorn dead so Mo can read the bad ending...