New Book -- Pretties

New book! 
By Scott Westerfeld

I am now reading Pretties, by Scott Westerfeld. 
It is a pre teen book? or was it just teen? I don't know... just reading it anyway,,,
For those who haven't read the first book in the series, read the first book. I think the second book would make much more sense if you read the first book first.
It is Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.
Oh, and by the way, the summary will include the book Uglies, too...

Summary  = It is about a girl named Tally. She lived in the future. For us, it is the future. (Heh, it's wierd that I am using the word lived for the future.) For them, it is the present. A perfectly normal life for them - with talking walls, talking rooms, interface rings, and the best of all - the surgery. This place is a world of absolute beauty. You would call it absolute beauty because -- ohhh... it's a long story...    Long ago, (for their time, which is probably still the future for us) the pollution filled the air enough. It was a second away from blowing up from too much pollution - air pollution, litter, and whatnot. Just in time, a person discovered a -- something-- that if you released it into the air, it would make the air clean again, just how it was when the dinosaurs were there (which is our past, obviously). Of course, that made a whole new world. People were making very good sure that they weren't making the huge and fatal mistake they had made a long ago. So, these people made a new thing. This new thing... will be explained in the next paragraph.
             Now, back to the present day (in the book-- the book's present day, I mean). What I will explain is what I was talking about from the previous paragraph that I said I would explain. So here goes. A new world. Divided. Uglies and Pretties. Almost like semi-species. This world is extreme beauty. Whoever is normal is ugly. When you are born, you are born ugly. When you turn twelve, you become, officially, an ugly. Like a species name. An ugly. In this case, you and I are uglies. But, when you turn 16, (ha ha! sweet sixteen~! =D) you get a surgery. It makes your muscles a little bit stronger, your nose in place - perfectly, and they give you a surgery, basically, to make you pretty. From then on, you are called a pretty. 
But, being perfect - isn't perfect. Just because you are pretty, how does that make you avoid revenge? Avoid violence? Avoid littering? Well, during the surgery, they also fix your brain. To make you "playful" and not-thinkingy... After the surgery, all you think of is what to wear to the next party, what new clothes you should buy. Now, in this time, that would make you sound... stuck-up. But, in this world, there is no subject of money. Nothing with trade or whatsoever. Just get. How? Real tech! Turns out, technology make everything better. There are holes in the wall that make your clothes for you, (cool ones, don't think of baggy towel-shirts... ='?) and you can just get whatever you want. No store thing or whatever. You don't go to breakfast - breakfast comes to you! The surgery keeps you in shape, by the way... You don't get overweight. 
So, Tally finds out about the secret with your brain. When she is an ugly, she goes to a place where the Rusties were. (This is where we come in - we are called the Rusties. From the past.) There, she meets some pretty-runaways, who had made their own mini civilization - but only people who were ugly. So, if you leave a person ugly, then their minds become like us today! They begin chopping trees, but a little... And Tally likes it! She makes friends there, too! (okay, that previous sentence sounds like a kindergardener... but whatever) There, she found two adults who had a cure for the "brain damage." She was to become pretty, then eat the pill-cure, for a test. She had volunteered herself. So, she became pretty. 
That is where the second book, Pretties starts. Where Tally eats the pills, and discovers a whole new world of betrayal (which she did already in the book before, but I just didn't mention it... you don't need TOO much detail). Not BETRAYAL betrayal, but -- I can't tell you. You'll find out!
I'm reading it, too!